- Capital: 10.000 euros
- SIRET: 451 836 233 00010 R.C.S. Cannes
- TVA (VAT): FR 59451836233 00010
- Destination Management Company • License Number: IM006100087
- Civil Risk Assurance (Tourisme Pro) is covered by HISCOX policy number HA RCP 0084729
- The French Travel Guarantee Fund Law is covered through APST (Association Professionnelle de Solidarité du Tourisme)
- Corporate Social Responsibility: PROVIDENTIA holds proper deployment book
- Green Key: PROVIDENTIA promotes and supports environmentally sustainable solutions
- QA/QC: PROVIDENTIA incorporates strict quality assurance & quality control procedures in all our venues.
You can reach our customer service by phone at 334 93 47 51 55
or by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Agence Web NETIO :
11, av. Pierre Semard - BAL P05 - 06150 Cannes
1, rue Albert Einstein - CHAMPS SUR MARNE
77447 Marne la vallée cedex 2
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Reproduction in whole or in part, regardless of the type of medium, is absolutely prohibited, unless prior written consent from the Owner.
Furthermore, the trade name, the logo, the marks are registered by their owner, and can not be reproduced or quoted without the agreement of PROVIDENTIA.